Monday, August 8, 2016

The Girl in the Tobacco Barn

The Girl in the Tobacco Barn

In my Internal Medicine practice, I see many remarkable people as patients. Many of my patients are elderly and sometimes their stories represent another era in time. I often try to seek out these stories as I find them fascinating. Here is one such story.
The story starts in the early 1940’s in a tobacco farm in a small town in Eastern North Carolina. In those days, tobacco was a major cash crop and tobacco farms were everywhere.

The tobacco was harvested and brought to tobacco barns. There the tobacco leaves were sorted and hung out to dry on sticks that were placed on the rafters and the sides of the barns. The process of sorting the tobacco leaves was time consuming, and very hard work. It was particularly difficult in the high heat of the summer when temperatures would soar.

These barns still exist in North Carolina and dot the landscape, but they are no longer used and are usually seen in various stages of disrepair.

In one of these barns was a young girl, maybe 15 or 16 years of age. She was helping out in the family tobacco farm. The tobacco had been harvested and she was helping sort it out and hanging it up to dry. She remembers that her hands were covered in tobacco tar, she was in a work dress and her hair was messy.

It was then the iceman showed up, delivering blocks of ice for the icebox on the farm. In those days, before electricity was common, this was the form of refrigeration. He was a young man, perhaps 17 years old. His eyes fell on this young girl and he fell in love with her.

He asked her parents if he could take her out. They agreed, but in those days going out meant having a chaperone with you. They went out and got along very well, but war clouds were rolling over and after the attack on Pearl Harbor, our iceman signed up to join the navy.

In the navy, he was on a destroyer manning an anti-aircraft gun. At one time he saw a torpedo heading straight for the ship. As he and his crew mates braced for the impact and possible death, a strange thing happened. A wave lifted the ship and the torpedo passed harmlessly underneath. He later attributed this small miracle to his mother’s prayers.

That night he wrote a long letter to his tobacco girl expressing his feelings for her and his desire to marry her. She never got the letter.

In the meantime, she had also met another suitor who was interested in her, but she could not forget her iceman. She also wrote a letter to him, but unfortunately he also never received the letter. Fate had however destined them for each other and she decided to wait for him.

They met again when he got back and eventually got married. This was seventy years ago. They are still married today.

 They both began to work at a local mill in town. They eventually had six daughters. They were both very religious and regular members of their church. They lived in his childhood home. All their daughters grew up to be strongly religious women. They all got married and had their own children and grandchildren.

At their 50th marriage anniversary, their church had a special event for them. At that time the former iceman recounted how he fell in love with his wife after seeing her hands stained with tobacco tar, and that she remained the love of his life.

His wife is now in her late eighties and recounted this story to me when she came to see me as a patient. She acted mildly annoyed that the main thing he remembers about that first meeting was her tar stained hands. She however continues to love him deeply.

He is now in a nursing home after developing dementia. She lives with one of her daughters and is increasingly frail. She however brightens up at the mention of her husband and can recount in detail the story their initial meeting and courtship.

Such stories may seem out of place in today’s fast paced world, but I find it extremely heartwarming. The love and affection my patient still has for her husband is absolutely wonderful to see.

An old tobacco barn

Hands stained with tobacco tar

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